“My Number One goal with my properties is to be a good neighbor. Ranch Resources does that for me. They maintain excellent relationships with all of my neighbors. It’s a soft thing that’s hard to quantify, and not everyone can do it. It flows into everything they do…who they find to lease my property, keep up with the irrigating, maintain the fences…everything.”
“They are honest and hard-working. They do what they say they’re going to do. They communicate proactively, and they always have ideas. They are creative, innovative.”
— Austen Cargill, Minneapolis
“Ranch Resources found a great caretaker for us, and handle our payroll and taxes. Otherwise, they’re in the background. They come in once a year for an annual review of the property, and they’re there to advise and consult as needed.”
— Tom Donnelly, Chicago
“Some of the best advice I received when I purchased property in Montana was to engage Ranch Resources. They found an excellent caretaker for us. They are mainly involved in planning, accounting, payroll, taxes and safety issues, but they have also conducted special studies for us involving stream improvements and ways to enhance the value of the property.
I appreciate their regard for confidentiality. They run a very discrete operation.
They’re very good about linking us to the Ruby Valley. When we’re away, they keep us informed about what’s going on in the Valley.
It’s a can-do operation. Anything that can’t be done by us or our caretaker, we turn over to Ranch Resources.”